Setting Captives Free is a six-day counseling and deliverance Intensive set in the Northwoods Salvation Army Camp near Finlayson, MN. It is a Christ centered, biblically based approach to treatment and inner healing that includes deliverance from demons and dealing with the traumatic wound of childhood. Students are taught the concepts of spiritual warfare including the rules that operate in the unseen world of curses and agreements we have made with the Liar. Setting Captives Free uses biblical truth to re-anchor the participants in their true identity as sons and daughters of God. It also teaches about the finished work of Christ in knowing the goodness and unfailing love and grace of God.
The cost is minimal and many times students are able to receive a scholarship to meet the financial obligation of the Intensive. Both men and women, and young adults are eligible to participate in the six-day retreats. We also work to place the students in supportive, stabilizing environments where they can be discipled and grow stronger in the family of God. These Intensives are sponsored by True Light Church, Lost Sheep Ministries Int’l and Life Recovery, Inc.

Jarry & Marjorie Cole
Call, text, or email Jarry for more info or to register for the next intensive.

Why Do I Do What I Don’t Want To Do?
Cravings” takes us beyond the surface of addictions and typical “do-more management strategies” and “try harder” self-help methods, into the deeper context of spiritual warfare.