All spiritual warfare is based on two things, Agreement and Authority.
When we believe the lies of the Enemy, we are deceived. Then we make choices that enslave us. When we come into agreement with the lie, the Liar usurps our Authority and uses it to bind us and bring us into bondage to him.The Devil uses our free will to entangle us in his web so he can implicate us as guilty and responsible for the thing he tricked us into believing and doing. Spiritual Warfare gives us the scriptural understanding to break those agreements and recover our lost blessings.
Before we can effectively resist our enemy, we must know and understand the parameters of the war he wages against us and his rights to do so.
There is one rule in the War waged between God and Satan for the souls of men. The rule is this: whom we yield ourselves servants to obey, his slave we become, (Rom.6:16). Jesus said it like this, “he who commits sin becomes the slave of sin”, John. 8:34
The deadly engagement of spiritual forces that have been at war since before the appearance of mankind upon this earth. It is the unseen war that goes on between God and Satan for the souls of man. Satan has an agenda, not only world domination, which he currently has, but to ultimately be ‘as God’, ruling the creation of God in the place of God.
This is a real war where hatred and treachery and strategies and objectives are fixed and purposeful. Satan derives his power from man, who was created in the image of God, by God to have dominion and authority over the earth and its creatures. The administration of the affairs of earth were deposited in the hands of the humans who had been made in the image of God himself. (Gen. 1:26-28)
Satan had also been created by God, sometime earlier, before the earth was brought forth out of the void and darkness that covered the waters. Documentation of his creation and his description is given by Ezekiel the prophet. The being we know as Satan or the Devil began as Lucifer, the son of the Morning, the most brilliantly beautiful of the Angels. He was filled with the colors of precious stones and the sound of musical instruments emanated from his body. (Ezek. 28:12-14) He was the ‘covering cherub’ , the ‘worship leader’ of heaven who was in charge of the presence of God and the anointing of God’s power. Isaiah tells us of his pompous act of mutiny and the description of how Lucifer’s revenge filled heaven and earth with oppression and pain,
‘How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into the heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will also sit on the mount of the congregation…I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be life the Most High.’ The LORD pronounced sure and final judgment upon this prince of the fallen angels whose ‘heart had become lifted up because of his beauty’ who corrupted his wisdom for the sake of his splendor’ (Ez. 28:12-19).
The Apostle John describes the actual scene of the war that broke out in heaven in Revelation 12.
‘And war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him.Jesus confirms the story in a passing comment to his disciples when He said, ‘ I saw Satan as lightening falling from heaven.’ (Lu.10:18)
Though the explanation and details of His comment and the implication of that war have been obscured and deliberately glossed over even by many biblical scholars, the fact that two hundred of the angels kicked out of heaven met atop Mount Herman and covenanted to go in and take human wives for themselves is well documented in the book of Enoch. The book of Enoch is the first book ever written, dictated to Enoch, ‘a righteous man whose eyes were opened by God’ (Enoch 1:2), ‘which the angels showed me’. It pulls back the curtain and give us the back story of what happened to ignite the conflict that rages, even now, has held mankind hostage in the insidious life and death battles of spiritual warfare.
The reality and reliability of that war is well established in the testimony of Jesus Christ who, having had previous knowledge and experience with not only Satan but also with the demons that do Satan’s bidding caused Him to deal with them forcefully and with an authority. Everyone, including the demons, acknowledged His command as final and indisputable.
The demons come from the giants who were the offspring of the Fallen Angels and human women, (Gen. 6:1-4). The demons are the disembodied spirits of the giants who died in the decree made by God that the giants could only live 500 years and then would kill themselves off in their own giant wars. After they died the spirits of these half-breeds were left behind, left to wander the earth with nowhere to go. They could not go to heaven, as they were half fallen angel, nor could they go to Tartarus, the place where God had locked up their fathers, because they were half human. So they were confined to the earth where they joined the ranks of Satan’s growing Rebellion.
To this very day the demons or evil spirits are an integral part of Satan’s plan for the destruction of the human race. Because they trace their origin, in part from the human mothers that gave birth to their fathers, the giants, they are also called familiars or familiar spirits because we are familiar to them. Because they are familiar with us, they are also knowledgeable with our human weakness and vulnerabilities. Because they can relate to us and feel most comfortable and at home in us, it is not shocking that they find themselves desiring to live inside the human being.
It is in the context of this human invasion , where these spirits play upon our legitimate human needs with our restricted access to the truth, that they entrap and enslave us by simply getting us to make an agreement with them. These agreements are critical in understanding the mechanism of spiritual warfare.
There are two fronts to this multifaceted war, the human race and the God of Creation. Satan was kicked out of heaven. No kingdom had been created for him. Like the demons, he was homeless and displaced. He desired to be God. He would take over God’s family and God’s things. In demonstrating his usurping of the kingdom from God’s kids, he would prove his claim to godhood was legitimate. He was obviously smitten with his own estimation of himself and blinded by his own grandiose ideas of how easily this would be accomplished. And so, he came to the earth to stake his claim.
The confrontation between Jesus Christ in the wilderness when Satan who came for the express purpose of testing His loyalties to the Creator reveals the legitimacy of Satan’s temporary jurisdiction to the planet earth and its kingdoms when Satan, in a moment of typical bribery, offered the kingdom back to Jesus if He would bow down and worship him. Again we see the War of Thrones played out in the open. Jesus was not going to make the same mistake Eve did in taking as payment for His homage to the Devil, something that was already His!
Jesus was sent on a mission. His assignment was to undo the power of death that had gotten a hold of His creation through Sin. The roots of this war are spiritual and there are rules. It was a war that had to be played by the rules or the Devil could cry foul play and sulk. Furthermore, if God used His ‘wildcard’ superpowers to start the game over, or tip the board to avoid losing, He would not be Righteous in His Integrity or forthright in His intention. The rule was, the soul that sins must die. The Serpent had gotten the humans to sin, now he demanded that the humans must die.
The Lord of Heaven and Earth knew the Rule, the Law of reciprocity where an ‘eye must be given for an eye taken’. He knew that justice would only be satisfied with the death of the sinners. We could not die for ourselves, however, because we were already sentenced to die. God knew the humans had been tricked and that they had never been created to be a match for the diabolical intelligence of the Deceiver or his bitter resolve to destroy them to spite Him. It is with that understanding that God Himself intervened in the plot Satan had set for us to serve the sentence and die in our place.
His intervention was the incarnation of His Only Begotten Son who agreed to become a human, being born of a woman, and come down here and die in our place. And because He was a human and because it was humans that sinned, it was a lawful move. Satan’s only chance to derail the plan of God was to try and get Jesus to agree with him and sin, even just one time. Any sin Jesus would have committed would have immediately disqualified him from dying for us because he would have lost His position as a free man coming willing to lay down His life to free mankind. If Satan could get Him to sin, that act of agreement would have made Jesus an instant slave of Satan and no longer free to do anything.
Satan’s plans to stop Jesus from accomplishing His Rescue Mission failed miserably. And though Jesus won the victory over sin and death, Hell and the grave are still moving forward with their agenda to destroy anything and everyone they can in the wake of their fury. The spiritual warfare has not lessened as Jesus commissioned His Freed Ones, and reauthorized His Freedom Fighters with power to administer the affairs of Heaven on earth until He returns.
This leaves us were we are today, on the front lines or buried in the fox holes or held unlawfully in Satan’s detention camps as prisoners of war in a spiritual war that expends to, and encompasses every aspect of human existence. This is the Snake Pit of life, where the battles of spiritual warfare are fought every day, in every life, in every way. Satan’ strategy is simple, lie and deceive, divide and conquer and set the unsuspecting targets up in opposition to themselves. He uses the same basic strategy today he used on Eve only now with less patience and more overt coercion.
We have come to know this strategy as the Hegelian Dialect drafted in the war room of hell. Here’s how it works. The Enemy first introduced himself to innocent, unsuspecting, unfamiliar with evil, naive, Eve, as the talking, Shimmering Serpent, Nahesh. He begins to question her on her understanding of the restrictions God has placed on the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He raises a question and reasoning begins to replace resolve to obey God in Eve’s mind. The fruit looks harmless and would make her wise. He created a curiosity, stirred up a desire, and promised her that if she would eat of the tree, her eyes would be opened and she would be like God, ‘knowing good and evil’. (Gen. 3:4-5) She would know more of what God knows, and thus be more like God.
Satan was cleverly crafting a problem of not knowing what was on that tree. Now that he has got her ear he begins to suggest a solution to the problem of ‘not knowing’ he had just fabricated out of thin air. Eve, knowing nothing of his intention to deceive her or of the false narrative He had used to create the problem, offers her his desired solution. Blinded by reasoning and mesmerized by the false promise for wisdom and being more like God, Eve never saw the trap.
The solution seemed simple enough. Little did she realize that in taking that fatal bite she would seal the plight of every human that would ever be conceived. In rejection the lavish and perfect provisions God had made for her life and looking for a way to provide those things for herself, she had called into question the pure heart of God and His intentions. In acting to disobey God she was saying, God, I don’t trust you any more. You could be keeping something from me and in that, You could be maniacal, untrustworthy, a deceiver Yourself.
The moment she believed the lie, that God was keeping something from her she judged God as not true or pure in His intentions. The moment she was drawn away by her own desires (to know more) and enticed, (took the Serpent’s solution), sin was conceived; and ‘sin when it is full grown brings forth death’. (Ja. 1:14-15)
This is the way the demons work to get us to come into agreement with them. They set up a problem through fear or lack or deprivation and then offer themselves and their services as the solution to that problem. They create a problem, or the illusion of a problem, like the Serpent did with Eve. Eve had no problems in the Garden of Eden. It was only after the Serpent had deceived her into believing that she lacked the knowledge of what was on the Forbidden Tree that she believed his lie, and took his solution and ate of the fruit.
In convincing us we have a problem, and in offering us a solution to that problem, the systematic takeover of the human being begins. This is the crux of spiritual warfare and at the confusion that lays at the root of the discussion, can a Christian be demon possessed or controlled by a demon. (Those two questions, however, are not the same question though at first they may appear to be).
Once we accept their solution and making an agreement with them, consciously or unconsciously, we begin to yield to their dictation. For whatever reason we might believe, our freedom to choose is being used to strip away our freedom to be. Our authority is slowly being milked from us like the cow owned by the farmer. Using the Enemy’s solution to solve the problem he set up, we are inadvertently trading our freedom and authority to the control of the Enemy.
(We also see the operation of the Hegelian Dialect in the external world we must live in, every day.) Using fear and manipulation, the Enemies of our soul become our Protectors, counselors, spirit guides. As they supply the things we need and want, they create in us an unnoticed sense of dependency on them. As we rely on them and make agreements with fear and loneliness, they provide security for our lives. Their vile and lustful and twisted and perverted desires and activities within the bodies and souls of the humans though subtle and often explained away by those already brainwashed and bought out, and part of their agenda, can easily account for every carnal, fearful, horrible thing we observe in human behavior.
Although this seems to be an unsophisticated and unscientific explanation for even the most contradictory expressions of human behavior, the simplest answer is the biblical answer which is clearly the correct answer. The proof of that truth is often in the blatant disregard and rejection of it. Deliverance is the only reasonable answer to the bizarre and conflicting behavior within the human being.
The provision Jesus made for His disciples in giving them specific powers to cast out demons and deal with their activities. (Lu. 10:19) is made in clear response to the demonic infestations we have been taught to deny or tolerate through the use of drug therapies and medical interventions. Jesus also reinstated the lost powers of mankind to have dominion over the creation when He told His followers, ‘whatever you bind on earth is bound in heave, whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven’ (Mt. 16:18-19 &18:18).
Though this authority is issued and backed up by the powers of Heaven, few believers, though qualified to use them, actually do.