Category Archives: Spiritual Foundations

The Subluxation Of Our Soul

The one rule in the war between God and Satan for the souls of men [...]

The Son Of The King

The Devil’s chief assault in our lives is against our identity. He assaults my identity [...]

Reality vs. Truth

If we are to walk in the Spirit, live by faith, and prevail against our [...]


It Is Not Too Late!

The power of TRUTH is in its ability to produce freedom in those who will [...]

But What Will You Do In The End?

As good soldiers we must know what we believe in and how to “contend earnestly [...]


Believing The Lie

The formula for freedom is contained in the words of Jesus. “If you abide in [...]


The Truth

Taking up our discussion from last time, consider this; if the light that is in [...]

The Good Fight

The Good Fight is a part of the Soldiers Handbook for War, written to inspire [...]

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