ANSWERS TO PRAYER – We have a hard time receiving answers to prayer because we feel unworthy. When our prayers go unanswered, we give up. Most of us make receiving about our own worth, when in truth, God’s gifts cannot be earned. This creates the second obstacle to receiving, doubt and double-mindedness. Learn the power of coming to God with an attitude of thanksgiving and expectation. If you feel stuck and discouraged, “Answers To Prayer” is a “must hear”.
When our prayers don’t get answered we get discouraged and God looks bad. God is working to complete a great plan in which we are more than conquerors. If we ask anything according to His will, we know He hears us, and if we know He hears us, we know we have the things we ask of Him. (I John 5: 14-15) Learn to rest as you wait, knowing that delays are filled with divine purpose and strategy. Prayer changes things. “To change something in your life, something must change”. The turning point for change is walking in the Spirit. Learn the secret of Romans 7 that will change your life forever.
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