Category Archives: Spiritual Foundations

The Devil’s Bag Of Tricks

Jessie Penn Lewis was an author that wrote a book over 200 years ago called [...]

The Evolution Of The Gospel

I realize you may be as skeptical as you are sick to death of the gimmicks, the  [...]

Well Done

I will not rehearse the stories of misery and gore that so many of us [...]

Kingdom Of God

Living in these uncertain days has made us certain of one thing, Jesus Christ must [...]


GOD PLANTED A GARDEN God planted a garden, eastward in Eden, and there He put [...]

Eating By The Rules

I will be starting a new series out of my new “Cravings” book. The key [...]

2011 Off With a Bang!

Wow!!  What’s happening out there? Earthquakes, wars,  riots, bloodshed, lies, treachery and betrayal of countries by [...]

Kept By Faith

Peter continues to write, to us, “who are kept by the power of God through [...]

The Bottom Line

So what is the bottom line, the objective, the final goal and purpose of fighting [...]


Soft Soldiers

Now is not the time to hold back from doing the will of God. The [...]

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