Jesus Cross

Please note, that Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law, by having become a curse for us (Gal. 3:13). He redeemed us from the curse of Original Sin. His death brought in the New Covenant which purchased for us a new option, life and forgiveness. His sacrifice destroyed the curse of death and opened up the way for “whosoever will” to return to God.

Those who accept His gift of salvation are free from the curse of sin and death. Satan has no more legal right to them. However, like many of the newly emancipated slaves in the Civil War, if we do not claim our new found freedom, we will still live under the power of fear, held under the sway of a slave’s mentality bound in the old familiar system of oppression.

Because the finished work of Christ in our personal life is contingent upon our receiving it, even in spite of the fact that all the work has technically already been done to accomplish our translation (transition) into the Kingdom of the Son, curses can still operate in a believer’s life under certain circumstances, the first of which is ignorance of the truth of God’s love.

Though the activity of the Devil in a believer’s life is now illegal, he is still permitted to tempt us and will exercise his option to do so. If we fail to submit to God and resist the Devil, (Ja. 4:7), either out of ignorance because we do not know our authority, or because we continue to live in our old, carnal mindsets, (those things we have come to believe from being raised in the Snake Pit) Satan will be able to continue his work of destruction in our lives.

Remember, salvation is not the same as sanctification. Salvation is like our plane ticket to heaven. Sanctification determines the shape we are in when we arrive. Life and the lies of the Enemy would persuade us not to use our ticket or board the plane. And for those who board the plane, the Enemy would persuade them that they can only ride in the cargo bin with the dead weight of all their sins still surrounding them.

If we continue to embrace the lies and believe that all the thoughts we think are our own, we will be deceived. Deception is the lie that leads us to sin. As long as we are deceived, we sin. One of the most subtle and effective works of Darkness is to convince us we are not quite free and do not deserve to be free. We are still persuaded that there is something we must do to earn our salvation. The earning is in the asking. “For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”(Rom. 10:13)

With that asking comes the obvious commitment to follow Him. To follow Him is, in essence to submit to, believe in, look to, and obey what He tells us to do. The cross lifts the curse off of us and releases us from its control. But because God cannot bless disobedience on either side of the Cross, if sin and disobedience continue after we are saved, so will the curses.

Curses are the result of agreements that have been made by us or by those who of our bloodline that have gone before us. Those agreements made with the lie produce sin. Sin is the result of believing lies. The true Gospel of Jesus Christ is the deliverance instrument truth uses to set us free from the curses of sin and the demonic judgments that flow from them. Jesus said to those who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (Jn. 8: 31-32) This is why Paul urges us to “be transformed, by the renewing of our minds.” (Rom. 12:1).

Some of us are just content to “be saved” and hold out until Jesus comes to take us home. We live a sub-standard version of the “abundant life” and never know the power of our new life in Christ or the wonderful blessings of peace and assurance He died to give us. The mercy and revelation of those blessings go unclaimed because we do not understand the depth or the power of the Blood of Christ, not only to cleanse us from sin but purge from us its power and consequence.

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