Karma As A Way Of Life
For those caught up in the pursuit having good things happen to them by doing good things for others, and wanting to feel good and be emotionally satisfied, the notion of Karma, at first glance, appears to be the ticket. It lets us control the positive experiences we will have in the future by teaching us to do nice things now. Although this has the potential for shifting the world into a more positive operating style based on the golden rule, it cannot guarantee that good things will over ride bad things in our life, nor can it promise that bad things will stop happening to good people.
The idea that if I “plant warm fuzzy goodness I will pick the same” does not take into account the fact that the field still needs to be prepared and weeded. Planting “good” seeds brings no better protection against hail and drought as planting “bad” ones. Though planting corn will not give you a crop of onions, planting corn does not insure the harvesting of corn.
The problem with Karma is that it does not work! There are still too many good people who are having “bad” things happen to them, which makes the theory of “Karma” inefficient in predicting the fair distribution of goodness and justice in the world.
Though Karma pretends to offer us a way to control our future that enables us to manage our circumstances in order to reap goodness by being nice, it still cannot tell us why many nice people have very bad things happen to them. Because Karma does not acknowledge the presence of an Enemy who is motivated by a diabolical intention to harm those who are godly, it can offer no protection against becoming victims of that intention or offer an explanation for the persecution of good people.
A theory is validated in its ability to accurately predict outcomes. Karma has no power or accuracy in prediction the out comes of good actions nor can it give a satisfactory explanation for why bad things continue to happen to good people with any more certainty than it can in explaining why good things happen to people who do bad things. Therefore, it cannot be validated as a theory. The distribution of good things seems to defy defining because there are so many variables to consider including greed, the persecution and trial of the righteous, and the artificial manipulation of everything on behalf of the kingdom of darkness.
Karma is an unreliable theory for predicting or obtaining good fortune. It cannot predict with any measure of accuracy because it is, itself, an error. It is a false notion purported to be a true and reliable device for obtaining a good life, and maybe, as some would hope, even eternal life. But if it is a not a valid method of predicting the future, we must embrace Karma as a bad theory that only sets us up to feel slighted by God and angry at Him, when He fails to play according to our rules.
Un-righted wrongs and injustice turn into disappointment which turns into guilt and alienation from God. In stead of feeling His love and protection, we feel abandoned and on our own. That guilt begins to translate into unworthiness, the very thing the Enemy had hoped it would. It reduces blessings to something we must “earn”. Grace is swapped out for good works and self effort and the Law is revived.
We feel “ripped off” if we do not get what we worked for which sets up a perfect reason to become bitter against God for not appreciating our efforts to do good. We feel we have earned our good fortune and woe to the man or God who interferes with it!